Introducing Monthly 24 Hour Beat Challenges
Join the Output team and community for monthly beat challenges every last Tuesday of the month!

Looking for a creative challenge every month? We got you. Join us on Discord every last Tuesday of the month for a special 24 hour challenge proposed by the Output team. We’ll announce the theme of the challenge at 10am PST on Tuesday and then you’ve got the next 24 hours to work on and submit a track that fits the challenge prompt. The next day, Wednesday, hop into our Discord event at 12pm PST for a listening party of the submissions. Get feedback on your track and get to know the Output team and other music makers in our community!

Keep an eye on the Discord Announcements channel for the details of this month’s challenge and don’t forget to RSVP to the event! 


Am I supposed to use only Arcade or Output products for my track?

Unless otherwise specified in the monthly challenge, you don’t have to exclusively use our plugins. We do ask that you use Arcade in some way at least once in your track though. 

I don’t have Arcade but I want to participate. How can I get access?

If you’re a new user, we offer a trial to get access to Arcade here. If you’re a previous user of Arcade and need access, let the Output team know by tagging them in a Discord message (make sure to include @outputteam in your message so we see it!). 

I’m based internationally. Can I participate?

You most definitely can! Depending on your timezone, it may be hard to join the listening party. But if you’re wanting to hear the feedback you got on your track, we offer replays of the listening party, just ask us in Discord (make sure to include @outputteam in your message so we see it!).

Are there prizes?

We have exclusive badges on Discord for everyone who participates and whoever is voted as fan favorite by the listening party attendees every month!

How do I submit?

The submission window opens on the last Tuesday of the month at 10am PST and closes on Wednesday at 10am PST. Upload your track to SoundCloud and submit it in the form linked in the event kickoff announcement in Discord. You’ll need to have a private SoundCloud link with the download feature enabled so you can get on the official post challenge playlist!

For more information on how to enable these features, please reference the links below:

Sharing a private track or playlist within SoundCloud
Enabling downloads for your track

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